Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2007 , Vol 17 , Num 1
Giant Intradiplac Epidermoid Tumor of the Occipital Bone: Case Report
Serdar ATAİZİ1, Zafer ÇANAKÇI2, Murat BALOĞLU3, Ahmet ÇEREZCİ4, Erdal YAYLA5
1Asker Hastanesi, Nöroşirürji Servisi, Eskişehir
2,3,4,5Yunus Emre Devlet Hastanesi, Nöroşirürji Servisi, Eskişehir
45-year-old man was admitted with a painless mass in left occipital region. In his physical examination, a soft mass of 9x10cm dimension was detected under scalp. The skin was normal. The patient was neurologically intact. In cranial plain x-ray, a wide lytic lesion- without peripheral sclerosis-was seen in left occipital region. Contrasted and non-contrasted magnetic resonance images of the brain showed a big mass extending to the scalp, compressing the cerebellum and causing erosion of the occipital bone. Total excision was performed and histopathological examination revealed epidermoid tumor. The large dimension and the unusual location of this rare tumor are interesting aspects of the report. Intradiploic epidermoid cyst is a very rare tumor; the authors reviewed this very rare entity under the scope of the literature. Anahtar Kelimeler : Epidermoid cyst, Intradiploic cyst, Skull tumor, Posterior fossa