Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2007 , Vol 17 , Num 2
Treatment of Spinal Intradural Tumours
Ali Özcan BİNATLI1, Fikret BAŞKAN2, Murat BAŞARIR3, Mehmet Feryat DEMİRHAN4, Nurcan ÖZDAMAR5
1,2,3,4S.B. İzmir Tepecik Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Kliniği, İzmir
5Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, İzmir
The incidence of the primary spinal tumours is 2/100.000. Spinal cord and related tumours are 25% extraduraly, 50% intraduraly - extramedullery and 25% intramedullary. Intramedullary tumours are about %2 – 4 of the entire central nervous system (CNS) tumours. We have operated 38 cases between 1997 and 2006 in our clinic. All of the cases were prone positioned and treated with laminectomy according to the location of the tumour. The cases were diagnosed as; neurinoma (n=13), ependymoma (n=7), menengioma (n=9), dermoid and epidermoid (n=5), astrocytoma (n=1), lipoma (n=1), arachnoid cyst (n=1) and melanotic scwhannoma (n=1). Recurrence was seen in 4 cases. 33 cases (%87) were totally and 5 cases (%13) were subtotally excised. Postoperative radiotherapy (RT) wasn't applied to any of the cases. 14 cases with preoperative paresia have been examined in the early postoperative period. It has been observed that although in 4 cases good neurologic outcome was achieved, 2 cases showed progression and in 7 cases no significiant changes have occured. In 24 cases with no paresia, we have examined that only one of them had postoperative temporary monoparesia. In conclusion, we agreeed that postoperative neurological deficits would not increase after the intradural and intradural – intrameduller tumours have been excised with the proper surgical techniques. Anahtar Kelimeler : Ependymoma, Intradural, Menengioma, Neurinoma, Spinal tumour