Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 1990 , Vol 1 , Num 3
Spinal Cord Compression in Multiple Hereditary Exostoses
Urla- İzmir Devlet Hastanesi Beyin Cerrahi ve Ortapedi Kliniği Multiple hereditary exostoses is a well-know disorder characterised by cartilaginous and bony protuberances most often involving the metaphyseal regions of fubuler long bones. Neurological complications and especially spinal cord compression in relation to the exostoses are rare. We have presented a patient with extradural spinal cord compression secondary to an hereditary exostosis. We have briefly discussed the clinic presantation, incidence and the pathogenesis of disease. Anahtar Kelimeler : Spinal cord compression, Multiple hereditary exostoses