Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi
2019 , Vol 29 , Num 1
Endoscope-Assisted Aneurysm Surgery
1Kocaeli Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Kocaeli, Türkiye
The use of an endoscope in aneurysm surgery has been increasing, especially in terms of better visualization of the surgical site, the
presence of aneurysm domes, the main artery and perforations, both before and after the clipping, and the areas that are hard to
visualize with the microscope. Initially, the endoscope was used to display the field just before and after the clipping, and also during
the clipping with the help of an endoscope holder. The endoscope also allows surgeons to perform microsurgical manipulation using
both hands under endoscopic and microscopic control with stabilization systems. The surgeon can check hidden structures in this
manner. The endoscope can also be used with the transnasal transsphenoidal route for the removal of the content of an aneurysm
causing cranial nerve injury after endovascular closure of cavernous segment aneurysms.
Anahtar Kelimeler :
Aneurysm, Endoscope, Endoscope-assisted microneurosurgery, Supraorbital, Transphenoidal