Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2021 , Vol 31 , Num 2
Microsurgical Treatment of Anterior Cranial Fossa (Ethmoidal) Dural Arteriovenous Fistulae
1İstanbul Medeniyet Üniversitesi, Göztepe Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul, Türkiye
2Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Bursa, Türkiye
Anterior cranial fossa arteriovenous fistulae are very rare lesions making up only 6 % of all dural arteriovenous fistulae. The main feeding artery is almost always the ethmoidal artery and the natural course is aggressive because of the direct cortical venous drainage pattern. The main presentation of ethmoidal arteriovenous fistulae is hemorrhage with a male predominance. The gold standard method for the diagnosis is digital substraction angiography. The main purpose of the treatment should be disconnection and total occlusion of the fistula. The treatment methods in the literature are endovascular embolisation, stereotactic radiosurgery, and surgical occlusion. Because of the technical difficulties and low occlusion rate of endovascular treatment, surgery remains the gold standard method for the total occlusion of anterior fossa dural arteriovenous fistulae. Anahtar Kelimeler : Anterior cranial fossa, Dural arteriovenous fistula, Ethmoidal dural arteriovenous fistula, Microsurgical treatment