Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 1994 , Vol 4 , Num 2
Taşkın DUMAN, Ferhan KÖMÜRCÜ, Sabahat GÜRÇAY
Ankara Numune Hastanesi Nöroloji Kliniği, Ankara It is known that some of the factors affating role in the occurence of strokes have the property of rhythmidty and periodicity, and it is reported that the time of stroke onset can show fluctuations.

The aim of this study was to investigate the time variation of stroke onset and chronorisk in cerebral haemorrhages and the effect of physical activity on these factors.

A prospective study was undertaken. In a period of one year 107 patients [32 male (29.9 %) and 75 female (70.1 %)] with cerebral haemorrhage were evaluated in our department. Mean age was 60.08.±.. 11.39. The time of stroke onset was most common between 7-8 p.m. (9.4 %). According to the activity type, acute strokes accured during walking were most common. 62.6% of the acute hemorragic strokes had begun with mild degrees of physical activity. We found a peak incidence rate of strokes in July according to the monthly distribution and in spring (32.7 %) according to the seasonal distribution. The frequency of strokes in days was not related to sex, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and antihypertensive therapy. There was a statistically significant relation between physical activity types and the incidence of strokes in hours. Acute strokes was most common in spring in patients with diabetes mellitus.

It can be considered that the determination of chronorisk is valuable to determine the changable risk factors in the occurence of strokes. Anahtar Kelimeler : Intracerebral haemorrhage, chronorisk, circadian, stroke