Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 1998 , Vol 8 , Num 2
Faruk ÜNAL1, Talat KIRIŞ1, Birol YANIK2, Nail İZGİ1, Kemal HEPGÜL1
1İstanbul Üniversitesi İstanbul Tıp Fakültesi Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı, İstanbul
2Trakya Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı, Edirne
Unilateral facet dislocations were present in six of the 30 patients (20 %) who underwent surgical therapy in İstanbul Faculty of Medicine between the years 1993 and 1996. Four of the patients admitted at late period. Main complaints were related to radicular compression. Lateral X-rays showed 3-5 mm of subluxations. Displacement of the spinous processes towards the dislocated facets were present at all AP X-rays. Open reduction was maintained surgically in all patients. Sublaminar wiring and fusion were performed in two patients. Fixation was maintained by lateral mass screwing of posterior spine plates in rest of the patients. At radiological control, redislocation was observed in one of the wired patients. One other patient had postoperative reversible neurological deficit. The remaining were symptom free at follow-up. It is concluded that open surgical reduction, lateral mass fixation with plates and screws and fusion is the distinguished form of therapy in unilateral facet dislocation. Anahtar Kelimeler : Facet dislocation, İnternal fixation, Posterior fusion, Spinal trauma, Surgical therapy