Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2000 , Vol 10 , Num 2
Kadir KOTİL, Mustafa AKÇETİN, Mustafa ERAS, Aydın TURĞUL
Department of Neurosurgery, Haseki Hospital, İstanbul, Turkey Cystic meningiomas are uncommon, probably accounting for only 4 percent of all meningiomas.A patient with cystic meningioma is reported. The computerized tomography appearance of this meningioma may mimic that of another cystic malignant tumor such as glioblastoma or metastatic tumor and may lead to an incorrect preoperative diagnosis. Preoperative recognition is important for the radical surgical removal of this potentially curable neoplasm.This case is the eldest male (90 years old) cystic meningioma patient that has been reported. Anahtar Kelimeler : Cystic Meningioma,.Computed tomography