Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2002 , Vol 12 , Num 3
Gönül GÜVENÇ1, Hamdi BEZİRCİOĞLU1, Hamit FERAN1, Mehmet ELÇİ1, Murat ERMETE2
1İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Nöroşirürji Kliniği, İzmir
2İzmir Atatürk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi ve Patoloji Kliniği, İzmir
Objective: Primer pigmented tumors of the leptomeninges are rare. Meningeal melanocytoma was first described in 1972 and few cases have been published so far. A case of meningeal melanocytoma involving the C2-4 is presented.

Methods: İn this article, a 37 year-old man patient with spinal meningeal melanocytoma is presented. The literature is reviewed. Pathological criteria are presented to distinguish meningeal melanocytoma from meningiomas containing melanin pigment and from malign melanoma. Radiographic and clinical criteria are presented to distinguish meningeal melanocytoma from spinal meningioma and other spinal tumors.

Results: A 37 year- old man, 20 days before presentation he became cervical pain and weak in both of his right extremities. In the magnetic resonance, the C2-4 intradura] lesions was hiperintens in TL weighted and isointens in T2 weighted. By using microsurgery technique the lesion was removed completely. Two years after surgery the patient was alive and well without clinical evidence of disease.

Conclusian: In contrast to other pigmented lesions such as malignant melanomas and melanoblastomas of the meninges, meningeal melanositoma is a benign lesion and complete surgical removal results in cure or prolonged remission. Anahtar Kelimeler : Melanocytoma, meningeal neoplasm, spinal tumor