Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2003 , Vol 13 , Num 3
Tayfun HAKAN1, Osman KIZILKILIÇ2, İbrahim ADALETLİ2, Naci KOÇER2, Civan IŞLAK2
1Kartal Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi 2. Nöroşirürji Kliniği, İstanbul
2İÜ Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi Radyodiagnostik ABD, Nöroradyoloji BD, İstanbul
Objective: To determine the distribution of the intracranial aneurysms and / or artriovenous malformations presented with bleeding under the radiological findings by their location, size, number, multiplicity, age, sex and grade.

Methods: The cases of 761 angiographically proven intracranial aneurysm or arteriovenous malformations, which caused spontaneous in traparenchymal, intraventricular and/or subarachnoidal hemorrhage between 1994 and 2000 were retrospectively examined. The sizes of the aneurysms are classified according to Yaşargil classification; and gradings of the arteriovenous malformations are made according to the SpetzlerMartin grading system.

Result: 683 are aneurysms and 78 are AVM of these 761 cases. There are big differences between aneurysms and AVMs regarding to age and sex; the aneurysmal subarachnoidal hemorrhages make peak in 5th decade while the subarachnoidal hemorrhages due to AVMs making peaks in 2nd and 3rd decades. Their ages are between 8-82 years (median 48.1). The median age is 50.1 in aneurysms and 30.6 in A VMs. Female / male ratio is 1.27/1 (383/300) in aneurysms and 1/1.29 834/44) in AVMs. 128 (18.7 %) of 683 aneurysms are multiple. There are totally 844 aneurysms in 683 cases. 56.1 % is baby + small, 33.6 % is medium, 7.7 % is large and 2.6 % is giant aneurysm of them. 92 % of aneurysms are located in anterior circulation and 36.5 % are located in anterior cerebral artery.

The numbers of AVM's according to Spetzler-Martin grading system are 39.7 % for grade III and 1.3 % for grade I. All the AVM's are located supratentorial area except 3 cases which are located in cerebellum. In 6 cases the association of aneurysm and AVM is found in 6 AVM cases and, the association of venous ectasia and AVM is found in 2 cases.

Conclusion: There are big differences between aneurysms and AVMs regarding to age and sex; the aneurysmal hemorrhages make peak in 5th decade while the hemorrhages due to AVMs making peaks in 2nd and 3rd decades. Hemorrhages due to aneurysms are seen in females more than males, while hemorrhages due to AVMs are seen mostly in males. Baby and small aneurysms are making more than half of the all aneurysm cases. Anahtar Kelimeler : Aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation, digital subtraction angiography, subarachnoid hemorrhage