Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi
2010 , Vol 20 , Num 1
Abducens Nerve Paresis after Surgical Resection for Sphenoid Wing Meningioma
S.B. Ankara Numune Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, 2. Nöroşirürji Kliniği, Ankara, Türkiye
Postoperative abducens paresis was reported after resection of sphenoid wing
meningioma or similar tumors with paracavernous extension. The true pathogenesis
of this paresis was still unclear. Although long course of abducens nerve is
speculated to be the main factor, trochlear nerve which has a longer course than
abducens nerve was less commonly involved, hence intracranial pressure changes
and other anatomical factors may have a major role. Here we report a 44-year-old
woman who was operated for a huge sphenoid wing meningioma and abducens
nerve paresis was noted at the postoperative period. This finding was probably
associated with the manipulations of tumor during resection or early changes in
intracranial flow dynamics since early MR scans helped to rule out ischemic reasons
or other possible changes at the tumor lodge.
Anahtar Kelimeler :
Abducens nerve paresis, Cavernous involvement, Sphenoid wing meningioma, Nerve tumors