Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi
2010 , Vol 20 , Num 2
First Trepanation in Living Human in Anatolia: An Aşıklı Höyük Human
Bakırköy Ruh ve Sinir Hastalıkları Hastanesi, 2. Beyin Cerrahisi Kliniği, İstanbul, Türkiye
Anatolia, in the prehistoric period, has been a settlement for the first human from
the Neolithic period as a transition zone. Prehistoric people have left the tips of
beliefs, rituals and way of their lifes in this land. Archeology, anthropology, and
with the cooperation of the medical science is trying to solve these tips. One of the
findings of this unique example that can be accepted as the beginning in the
history of neurosurgery is trepanation. Although first trepanation has been
performed in a skull which discovered in Israel in Paleolithic period, the oldest
trepanned skull was belonging to Neolithic human. However, many trepanations
have been performed after dead. The earliest trepanation in living human was
discovered in Aşıklı Höyük. We overviewed the historical features of trepanation
which procedure acceptable as starting of Neurosurgery history on behalf of this
Anahtar Kelimeler :
Trepanation, History of neurosurgery, Aşıklı Höyük, Anatolia