Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi
2014 , Vol 24 , Num 2
Spinal Cord Stimulation
Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi, Nöroşirürji Anabilim Dalı, Antalya, Türkiye
Spinal cord stimulation is one of the most popular procedures for pain in recent years. The main principle is administering a low-voltage
electrical current to the spinal cord of patients and inhibiting the transmission of pain signals to the brain within the targeted area, therefore
creating an analgesia. The main indication is failed back syndrome. Postlaminectomy pain, radicular pain syndrome, and failed disc surgery
syndrome are other common indications.
Anahtar Kelimeler :
Stimulation, Spinal cord, Pain