Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2018 , Vol 28 , Num 2
Surgical Treatment Modalities in Multi-Level Cervical Disc Disease
Nilgün ŞENOL1,Kudret TÜREYEN2
1Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı, Isparta, Türkiye
2Serbest Hekim, Bursa, Türkiye
Treatment modalities for patients with multiple segment cervical disc disease are still controversial. As the discussion for the treatment of single segment cervical disc disease with fusion, arthrodesis or simple discectomy goes on, deciding on the right treatment modality for multiple segment cervical disc disease is even more difficult. There is no consensus for the treatment modalities of multi-level cervical disc diseases in the literature. The anterior approach is usually preferred. Despite progress, no disc prosthesis is ideal. Hybrid surgeries are becoming more popular but no positive results have been reported yet. Patient selection, detailed surgical planning, and choosing the minimal invasive surgical approach as much as possible is important. A larger number of prospective, controlled, and comparative studies are needed for multiple segment cervical disc diseases. Anahtar Kelimeler : Multi-level cervical disc herniation, Cervical anterior fusion, Cervical arthrodesis, Cervical disc prosthesis, Cervical discectomy, Cervical hybrid surgery