Türk Nöroşirürji Dergisi 2020 , Vol 30 , Num 3
Corset and Orthoses that can be Used in Spinal Traumatic Patients
Cafer AK1,Murat ULUTAŞ2,Kadir ÇINAR3
1T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Gaziantep Abdülkadir Yüksel Devlet Hastanesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Kliniği, Gaziantep, Türkiye
2Gaziantep Özel Medical Park Hastanesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Kliniği, Gaziantep, Türkiye
3Gaziantep Sanko Üniversitesi Hastanesi, Beyin ve Sinir Cerrahisi Kliniği, Gaziantep, Türkiye
Orthoses are mechanical devices that exert a force on the body. They contribute to recovery by reducing pain via motion limitation rather than trying to reduce the load on the spine. Orthoses generally work with the principle of "press from three points" and are named according to the direction of movement they prevent. However, none of the spinal orthoses can fully control spinal movements. Therefore, they are contraindicated for use in unstable spinal trauma. Although spinal orthoses have been shown to directly or indirectly affect respiratory functions, it should be remembered that spinal orthoses could cause an increase in intrathoracal and intraabdominal pressure when applied to the body. In patients with spinal trauma, the period of orthotic use should be completed in 6-12 weeks, according to the injury pathophysiology, type of fracture, presence of ligament damage, and fracture stability, and follow-up imaging is recommended every 2-3 weeks. In this article, the external orthosis types used in spinal trauma cases that do not require surgery and their usage are reviewed. Anahtar Kelimeler : Spinal trauma, Corset, Orthoses, Cervical collar, Halo orthoses, Thoracolumbar orthoses, Lumbosacral orthoses